Courage is a much-needed quality of spirit for all of us as we face the challenges along the way on our journeys. The very first thing God asked me to do soon after I was saved that required GREAT COURAGE was for me to go to my alcoholic and abusive father and ask for forgiveness for my responses to his actions. Whoa…I had only been a Christian for a short time when the Holy Spirit encountered me, asking me to go and ask his forgiveness. Looking back I can see that I would have gone no further without this being taken care of. God knew. So I obeyed. It was NOT easy. The results?

God delivered me from a life-long phobia from snakes.
God healed me from deep wounds of rejection.
God restored my relationship with my father giving me HIS love for him.
God gave me a deep understanding of the power and freedom of forgiveness.
God SAVED my dad!!
What I’ve learned is to listen, really listen until I hear God speak. When he does speak, I must choose to believe his answer. I usually write it down. God’s answer, without fail, contradicts my thoughts and/or feelings about the situation. I have learned to ask God these four questions:

Lord, how do you see my situation?
What should I believe for?
What change do you want to make in my current situation?
How can I join you in this belief?
When I do this, it opens up the way for miracles to happen. I’m believing that miracles will happen in the face of what seems impossible.cIn Luke 5:1-7, Jesus spoke to the disciples and told them to “let down their nets.” The previous night they had caught nothing. Even after hearing the WORD preached and walking with the WORD, Jesus himself, they still doubted they would catch any fish. Jesus was asking them to have the faith OF God, not just IN God so they could see things supernaturally, walk in the impossible, and see miracles happen. Isn’t it amazing how HIS ways are so much higher than ours? Jesus was training them for their destiny and purpose! I believe God wants us to have the faith OF God, even in our personal, every-day life situations. He is growing the fruit of faith in our lives…developing and preparing (training) US to come into our destiny and purpose.
When I asked God how he sees my present situation he said, “Abundant life, increase, destiny and purpose.” When I asked God what should I believe for, he said, “The impossible…with God all things are possible.” When I asked God what change do you want to make in my current situation, he said, “Changed hearts…two lives made ONE in HIM.” When I asked God how I could join him in this belief, he said, “Agree with my WORD…my SPOKEN WORD to you personally. Surrender all other thoughts, attitudes, and feelings to me in exchange for my SPOKEN WORD. My WORD brings life, ABUNDANT LIFE!”
My husband and I have been separated for 2 years now and it has been a time of healing, challenges, and growth. I’ve been living one day at a time, I am trusting God to work in my husband…in HIS way, in HIS timing, and to bring us back together better than before! I am believing for a miracle! I am believing for our hearts to be made ONE in Him, brand new, and whole. I see us both coming into our destiny and purpose that has been in God’s heart all these years.
I have a son who contracted bacterial spinal meningitis at age 16 1/2 months, resulting in severe brain damage. He was left blind, deaf, quadriplegic, and suffered cerebral palsy and a seizure disorder. Actually, he wasn’t supposed to live…BUT GOD! 35 years ago, God spoke to both my husband and I independently while our son lay in a coma. He said that Paul would not die and would be completely whole! The gift of faith was imparted to us through his personal spoken word. The power of that Rhema Word has carried us all these years to believe for the restoration of my son. Today he walks, talks, and sees! A true sign and a wonder, defying the medical profession. Glory to God!
By the way, this happened the day after I prayed a sincere prayer to God after my first taste of healing which I shared above. I prayed, “God, whatever it takes, I want you to make me completely whole.” God heard my prayer!
I truly believe the current situations in our lives are a part of the process intended to bring restoration and wholeness. I want to encourage you today. Remember, we serve a miracle-working God! He is at work in all our lives to prepare each one of us for our destiny and purpose! He is the God of Restoration! And nothing is impossible with Him!
Love and blessings,
For personal reflection:
Describe a time from your past that required COURAGE for you to step through an area of fear. What were the results?
Now, describe something you are currently facing that requires COURAGE in order for you to step through the fear. What did you learn from your past experience that will help you to take COURAGE in your present situation?
Ask God the four questions above and journal his responses.